Saturday, August 21, 2010

Kimora leaves Baby Phat

In what can only be described as HELL FREEZING OVER Queen Fabulousity herself has announced that after 14 years, come September 1st she will be leaving Baby Phat. I’m not sure why she’s leaving but I know that she didn’t quit and Baby Phat will never be the same. It is because of Kimora that Baby Phat has evolved to what it is today. Without Kimora the line would still consist of t-shirts instead she used her creative genius to create a complete line and even branched off to create accessories, shoes, make-up and a kids line. People love this line so much that they’ve tattooed the cat on their bodies in honor of the fabulous one.
All of my readers know that I’ve wanted to work for Kimora for the last 5 years so this really makes me sad. I do know that Kimora will be A-Ok, she’s a winner and will come out on top. She has her tv show, her fabulousness and the three clothing lines that she created Fabulousity, Kouture by Kimora and KLS.

Kimora’s twitter followers began speculating after she only mentioned her lines not associated with Baby Phat in an announcement that she was looking for models. One follower asked if she was still with Baby Phat and she replied “As of sept, sadly NOT!” I don’t know if the execs over at Baby Phat realize this but people only bought Baby Phat because of Kimora, they wanted to feel like they were part of her world. Kimora is Baby Phat. I’m unsure how the line will do now that she’s leaving but we shall see. So, in the words of Kimora herself “On to the next one.”


Simmons released a statement to the media in which she says:

“After 14 years of conceiving and nurturing Baby Phat, it’s time for me to move on and further expand my other businesses and create a new phenomenon. I adore all those who have faithfully been with me since the beginning. I’m forever dedicated to my family, fans and customers. My inspiration has always come from the fabulous women who have been with me through the years as we’ve grown from young party girls to power players! We’re ready for our next journey together and we’re taking a whole new generation of incredible young women with us. Girl power unite!”

Good luck Kimora, we love and support you!

Live..Life..Fabulously  T Violet

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