Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sachika Twins Take Over NYFW

To-Nya and To-Tam or the Sachika Twins (as they're more commonly called) are quietly taking over the fashion world. When I met them in March I knew that they were well on their way to the top and in 6 short months they seem to have climbed over the top and have reached a new level that most don't make it to this soon. I absolutely love them, they're super sweet and simply gorgeous. (see for yourself)

If you missed their show last night like I did you really missed out. From the looks of it, the show was heavily attended by lots of celebrities and the clothes were fabulous... as I knew they would be. As promised I have some pictures from the show that I'm sure you'll love. Photographer Marco Sagliocco was kind enough to let me use his images. He's a great photographer! Thanks. :)

Denyce Lawton     
Vanessa Simmons
Angela Simmons

Live..Life..Fabulously  T Violet

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