Monday, July 26, 2010

Here's to you 30

Now that I've been 30 for a full two full days I can say that I don't feel any different. Turning 30 has made me take a closer look at life and think about making some changes. I've decided that everyone I disliked for petty reasons would no longer be disliked. Life is too short to hold grudges, besides, when you hold grudges you're only holding yourself back. Unless you've done something unforgivable you're good in my book.

I will admit that 10 years ago you couldn't convince me that I'd be, unmarried and childless. That so wasn't in my 10 year plan but, sometimes life has something totally different in store for you. These last 8 years were amazing, I graduated from college and did a lot of things I never thought I'd get to do.

Dress Forever 21

Shorts H&M, Shirt INC, Shoes Novela
*sidebar I'm never wearing that shirt with those shorts again

For my birthday my boyfriend and I went to Cincinnati for the weekend. I'd never been to Kings Island so what better time to go than for my birthday right! We went shopping at the Premier Outlet Mall and Kenwood Mall, had dinner at Pappadeaux and I must say that the shrimp pasta was the best I've ever had! I got lotsssss of gifts, everything I asked for really. Perfume, a web cam, new purse, money (which I used to buy lots of new clothes) clothes, seasons 2 and  of SATC (now all I need to complete my set is 4 and 5) plus other stuff I have yet to collect! I must say that this birthday was the best so far. Last year my aunt flew me to California, took me to Sea World of San Diego, I  did the swim in the water with the dolphin thing, breakfast a Disney land, two trips to the spa, then took me on a cruise to Mexico. All of that and this trip to Kings Island made me so much happier. I'm not saying all of that to brag. Last year I was in a bad place, I was really depressed and just not happy. All of that made me happy for the moment but once it was over and reality set back in, I was still depressed. It wasn't like that this time. The trip is over and I'm still extremely happy. So, I think 30 will be a good year! Hope you all enjoy the pictures. :)

                                          Getting strapped in to fly

Waiting my turn

They say you're as old as you feel and I still feel great. I decided to do the flying thing they had and it was sooo much fun. I've always been a bit of a dare devil so this was right up my alley. I was a little nervous once I got to the top but hey, I was already there and the only way down was to fly!

Mi Amor

Shirt Lily white, Jeans Calvin Klein, Shoes Bakers
I so didn't want to go out. 

                                             Romper Forever 21, Shoes Novela'

Live..Life..Fabulously  T Violet

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