Thursday, July 22, 2010

30 Eve

The year of the 30 year old 80’s baby is upon us. Bye bye 20 something hello 30, I can’t believe it came so fast. Literally I feel like I just turned 25 and now I’m almost 30.

30 years of life have flown by so fast that last year when I was turning 29 I forgot that 30 was right around the corner. I’ve been shooing everyone that’s been trying to tell me happy birthday, keeping the cards closed until its time and I’ve secretly decided that I won’t answer the phone on my birthday so I wouldn’t have to listen to people sing me happy birthday all day. One of my friends is so anxious for me to turn 30 that she’s decided to send me an instant message everyday for the last week or so. I can’t take it! It’s not like I’m sad about turning 30 (I really am but it sounds good to pretnd I ‘m not) but I just wasn’t ready. No longer can I say I’m 20 something. The great thing is, everyone tells me that I don’t look 30, that makes me feel great! I’m getting over this 30 things, it would happen sooner but my best friend Kim calls me every day to tell me how her body is falling apart now that she’s 30. Yes, all of my friends are 30 or turning 30 this year. This is the year of the 30 year old 1980’s baby!

My 20’s were super fun. I turned 21 in college and can still remember it like it was yesterday. I had my “21” shirt from Old Navy and I went out to a club for the first time, so overrated. The years to follow are kind of blurry but it’s gotten me to where I am now... 30… Oh well, I’ll eventually embrace it. I’ve got great friends, a man who loves me, the best family ever and I’m happy. What more could a girl ask for. I’m going to enjoy this birthday and I’ll post some pics from my trip later!

Happy birthday to everyone turning 30 this year past, present and future

Live..Life..Fabulously  T Violet

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