Saturday, September 4, 2010

Clearer Vision

I’ve been putting off making my vision board for months. I bought the board and put it in my second bedroom behind the closet door and forgot all about it. I realized that I needed to focus on what I’m really trying to do with my life. I’m ready to go back to school and work on my Masters degree (I just applied) and I definitely need to plan. I know that when you fail to plan to plan to fail and I don’t want to fail. I googled the word vision board just to get a few ideas on how people organized theirs. I know exactly what I want in life so getting the pictures wasn’t hard at all. I printed the pictures, brought them home then let them sit on the table for a week. One of my facebook friends was talking about vision boards so I knew God was telling me to get it together. I feel like having this in front of me will keep reminding me of what I’m trying to accomplish.

 I somewhat completed my board. It’s a great start. I went through some old magazines and found some words that I thought were encouraging and applied to me. The pictures are self-explanatory some of the phrases I chose were:

I can do anything
Saying it with style
I have a completely different story
Embrass Passion
And you don’t stop
What will your story be

How clear is your vision? Do you have a board? Do you know where your story ends?

Live..Life..Fabulously  T Violet

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