Monday, September 13, 2010

On The Road Again

So as many of you who read my blog know we drove my little sister Gigi to college in Savannah last Wednesday. I thought the drive to Atlanta was beautiful but driving through the smokies was amazing. I snapped a few shots (ignore the mirror) as we traveled down the highway. It was a fun ride, I slept and watched movies most of way so I wasn't too bored. We left at 6 in the morning and got there around 7:30ish because we made a few stops.

We got there kind of late so most of the shops downtown where we were staying were closed so we just walked around a little and explored the area. Savanannah is absolutely beautiful but after staying there for 4 days I can say with confidence that I wouldn't want to live there. The next day was full of us doing what we do best (shopping) and then hanging on the beach. Ahhhh, so relaxing. I could have used another day or two on the beach but hey, maybe next time.

Live..Life..Fabulously  T Violet

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