Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Singles In The City: Sir Charles Hill

 Name:  Sir Charles Hill

Age:  29

Location:  Harlem, NY

1.  Bank of New York, Risk Management
2.  CLI Event Group, President & CEO

Religion:  Non-denominational

Do you have any children? How many?
No children, although I have an amazing nephew that I love like my own.  Definitely starting to enjoy kids more as I get older.  I am very family oriented.

What’s your personal style?
Business professional during the week.  Two & three piece suits for the office and a nice tailored tux for  banquets & special events.  On the weekend & in my down time, I'm very "hood-prep".  Typical outfit would be a plain white v-neck tee, j-crew cardigan, jeans & tims.

My staple must-have is a nice fall jacket.  Jackets set the tone for the entire outfit.

What are your feelings on marriage? Are you ready to settle down and get married?

The institution of marriage is a very special bond between two people who love each other unconditionally.  I haven't been in love that way yet, but at this moment in my life I am open to the possibility of finding someone that I could spend the rest of my life with.  However, I don't base every dating situation with the idea of "is this the person I could marry".  No, I'm not there yet, but if I am dating someone for a long period of time, and we happen to get to that point I am open for dialogue & the possibility.

What do you look for in a woman?
First & foremost I don't have a "list".  There's no list that I follow saying this girl has to have a, b, and c or look x, y, and z.

With that said, first thing I notice about a woman is if she appears to be fit.  Even if she's not a size 3 or 4, but you can tell if a woman takes care of her body.  Tells me she cares about her health & well-being.  Next, if her appearance is well-kept.  Not saying she has to be a dime piece, but at least knows how to dress and looks respectable.  Worst thing is a woman that wears too much make-up and slutty clothes.

As you get to know the person, important things are education, family-oriented values, goals & ambition.  Last thing sounds cliché but personality.  I need someone that can rock with me, someone that is fun, cool, chill, and open-minded.  Someone that can be cool with going to events often or at least understand that I attend events, travel & network.  Someone that understands my background & accepts me and my family.  Someone that likes me for my silliness, my non-emotional moments, and my fun times.  Life is not always a picnic, and I look for someone that is open to ride the waves with me up and down.

Why is it so hard to find love in NYC? It seems like most of the people that live there are single and looking for love but they never seem to find it.

New York City is the land of opportunity, everyone comes here to find their dream job, their dream condo, and their Mr. & Mrs. Right.  However, because there are so many successful people and so many goal oriented individuals everyone feels they "deserve" the best, men & women.  Subsequently, you end up in this never ending dating cycle looking for Mr. or Mrs. Right, not understanding that the perfect person does not exist.  Once everyone learns to humble themselves, exude positivity, and be grateful for everything that has been provided thus far then they may be able to find love.

Charles and his BFF

Tell me something about yourself that I haven’t asked but may be important?

My business & social life is intertwined and a big part of my time.  Owning an events management & branding consultant agency requires me to foster relationships with marketing & retail executives, venue managers, event planners, and social networkers.  Spend a lot of time planning events, connecting positive goal-oriented people, and building my brand.

And occasional hobbies would be DJ'ing, hip hop dance, traveling, and blogging/writing.

How can people contact you? Are you on facebook or twitter?

Sir Charles Hill (facebook)
New blog coming soon

Live..Life..Fabulously  T Violet

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