Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Another ATL post

Day three of our trip was filled with as much shopping as days 1 and 2. We seriously need an intervention asap.  I always joke that I'll be the flyest chick on skid row. lol I love thrift shopping, if you read my blog that's no secret to you. I was excited to hear about the "lil 5 points" area in Atlanta that was filled with thrift stores. I told my boo that this was the only thing I wanted to do other than visit my family. So, we hop in the car and head over to the lfp. Now, when we get there the first store we go into was Junkman's Daughter.

I can say there was something for everyone in this store. What I didn't like was that this store, much like all the other stores I went into were really overpriced. I looove thrift stores and thrift store prices but some of the same things I pay less than a dollar for at the Salvation Army were like $30 in one of the stores I went in. NO THANK YOU. My man did get me a really cute "I Am A Fashion Head" shirt from a boutique called Bill Hallman (I think that's the name of it).

My boo waiting patiently as I shopped

Wearing another skirt and tank from Forever 21 and a vintage Gucci bag
I ended up getting a dress from another boutique and a BCBG dress from Rag-O-Rama but outside of that we just took pictures. There was a store in the area that my boo wanted to go to so we ended our shopping trip at Wish then headed to Lenox and Perimeter malls for even more shopping. Surprisingly enough, I didn't buy much at either mall.
Posing for a pic in lil 5 Points

For dinner that evening we decided on Bahama Breeze, one of our fav restaurants that we used to frequent on a regular basis before they packed up without notice and left us high and dry. Speaking of dry, my calypso shrimp pasta that I just knew would be delicious was really dry. And, believe it or not another gnat decided to go swimming in my drink. They have the best lemonade in the world and I was pissed that a gnat decided to drink from my glass. The gnat and dry pasta made my dinning experience very sub par. Until next time

Live.. Life.. Fabulously  T Violet

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