Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fantasia Attempts Suicide

In no way is my blog all about celebrity gossip, what they're wearing yes, doing, not so much. After hearing and reading about this story with Fantasia I had to do a posting on it. In no way am I judging Fanny because I don't have a clue what that man was telling her about his marriage. I do know that his wife, Paula Cook is suing Fanny for breaking up their marriage. I kind of have mixed feelings about that because Cook should go after her husband not the other woman. In the same breath I can say that Fanny is part of the problem and maybe she should be the example. She is a part of the growing number of celebrities is a narcissists who feel like they can have whatever they want, including your man. This celebrity man snatching thing seems to be the new trend. Gabrielle Union snatched Dwayne Wade, Alicia Keys married Swiss Beatz and now Fanny is trying to kill herself.

Paula Cook with their son. Top pic Paula and Antwaun
Back to what this post is really about. Like I said I don't know what Antwaun Cook told Fantasia about his marriage so who am I to judge. My problem is the attempted suicide, I don't feel sorry for her. What I feel is more like disgust. That was so very selfish of her. If she had been successful in her attempt to kill herself who would have be responsible for her daughter? Why should Zion have to grow up motherless because Fantasia can't handle the pressure from the mess she created? According to Radar Online Fanny is doing fine but she should really be ashamed of herself.
Fantasia and her married boo

*pics from Radar Online

Live..Life..Fabulously  T Violet

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