Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sunday Nights at the Velvet Room

The Velvet Room is the place to be on a Sunday night in Atlanta. Because of that reason my boyfriend and I had to be there. It was lots of fun and the club was really nice. Rick Ross was there celebrating something. I couldn't really see him because we were on opposite sides of the club but leaving out I saw how crowded his VIP section was.

For the most part everyone was dressed really cute so I decided to ask a couple of people if I could take pictures for my blog. At first I wasn't so sure but after an apple martini or two it was easier to ask a strange for their picture. Enjoy!
They were my favs. I love Asia's yellow dress. She looks so cute. Her friends look was cute as well. I hope she's a model. She's so tall!

Her look was really cute as well. I hate I didn't get her shoes because they were super fly.

I had to take her picture. I wore the same dress in orange the day before. It's such a fun and funky dress, it's one of my favs! She looked so cute!

I love how she played with prints and fabrics. The printed skirt with the black sequin top

Live..Life..Fabulously T Violet

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